For the Financial Advisor / Insurance Agent / Wealth Management Advisor that’s ready to hit $25k/mo+ (and do it sustainably)

A 6mo High Level Mastermind AND Online Coaching Program to Become a Prospecting MAGNET, Generate Inbound Leads, Close Business Consistently, & Scale Your Business to $25k/mo+ and beyond.

What You Get 

πŸ™Œ Immediate and Lifetime Access to the FULL FAA Online Program (Value of $8,000)

πŸ™Œ 6 Month Access to Live Coaching Sessions hosted by Scottie, 1-2x a Month (Value of $9,000)

πŸ™Œ Exercises to determine your Target Market, their Pain Points, and learn how to brand yourself as the EXPERT in the area to make yourself irresistible referable (Value of $1,500)

πŸ™Œ An entire library of completely Done-For-You Templates for how to book Speaking Events (and what to present), Scottie's "No Ask" Method, Generate 3-5 Leads per Week on LinkedIn, create Email Marketing Campaigns, Create Targeted Feeds lists, and much more. (Value of $3,000)

πŸ™Œ A step-by-step breakdown of how to craft the EXACT activity spreadsheet that is guaranteed to help you hit your goals, including my exact activities used to hit $300k of premium. (Value of $750)


πŸ™Œ Private Peer-to-Peer Facebook Group where you can ask questions, connect with other advisors, and get supported (Value of $5,000)

πŸ™Œ An entire catalog of the MAIN challenges advisors face - and the exact language & strategies on how to overcome them (Value of $2,000)

πŸ™Œ Access to the Private FAA Podcast Channel to learn crucial prospecting strategies on-the-go (Value of $997)


πŸ™Œ A 60 Minute, 1:1 Strategy Session with Scottie to create your customized prospecting game plan (Value of $1,500) 

πŸ™Œ The Annual Review Referral Template to effortlessly get referrals from your Client Annual Reviews (Value of $97)

πŸ™Œ The <SEXY> ABUNDANCE GRATITUDE MONEY VIBES T-SHIRT, designed by Scottie (Value of $47)



πŸ‘‰ 6 month Payment Plan Click here

IMPORTANT: Make sure to "subscribe to my email list" upon completing your purchase to receive your welcome email, get module updates and important information regarding the program.


See what Advisors are Saying...

I'm at $170k of production in Q1 2023. Last year I did $135k the ENTIRE YEAR -- I'm up 79% YoY and we're only in the first 3 months


I just closed a $35k joint work case that was originally a cold call!


I did $40k of production in the first two months of 2023 -- and literally have been the least stressed I've ever been working


I just checked the reports, I'm up 85% YoY already in Q1 2023 and my goal is to grow by 150% this year


One Time Payment of $8,000

  •  You agree to the Terms & Conditions associated with this program
  •  Your first payment will be charged immediately & you'll be emailed a receipt

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